Tuesday 2 July 2019

3 Reasons Why Music is the most Important Subject at School

Music is everywhere. All you have to do is listen. It also teaches us a lot of things and can play a vital role in one's growing up. There are many benefits to gain from music if you are involved with it from an early age. In this write up, we will talk about how having music as a subject in school, how it benefits a child not just from educational point of view but the all-round development.

It shapes your personality. Learning music makes you more aware and teaches you to approach your tasks more logically. It also enhances your motor, visual and auditory skills. It is encouraged to be part of the curriculum of school as it is one of the most unique subject that has the quality to teach all the right traits and can act as a stress buster from learning all other educational subjects. Due to the structured and logical nature of the theory of music, it helps children to fare better in their other subjects. Also, it helps one to connect with each other through the language of music not just in school boundaries but with anyone  and anywhere. It encourages them to be more social and feel a sense of joy in playing together with their peers. 

The most important reason to include Music in every school curriculum is its ability to cultivate creativity in students. In this modern era, creativity is often the trait that sets a person apart. You can be creative in any field, it is the talent to think of a problem logically and efficiently so that any task given to you, if not by the norms, you can still solve or overcome it your way. Every child should be given that opportunity, to let them able to think on their feet and there is nothing better than music to inculcate that skill in them. In layman terms, in music you are taught how to play but once you come out the other side as a skilled musician you can choose to play your instrument however you like and that freedom of choice grows your curiosity and hence your creativity.

Proof of its Success
Finland has one of the best education system in the world where learning music and musical instrument has a vital and crucial role to play. They have produced some very talented classical musicians and soloists in recent times but have also have the record of having highest academic achievements according to UNICEF report of 2007. So this proves that including music in one’s regular activities doesn't always mean you are forcing your child to be a musician, you are just allowing him to learn all the subjects from different fields and then they can decide what to pursue. Remember, music should never be a chore for them like other subjects, everyone should be allowed to grow in their own pace, build their own interest in it and that's when you will see the best effect of music on a child. 

BlueTimbre is a unique Music Company that provides Music Education and  Recording Studio services. BlueTimbre also works with schools to provide end-to-end Music Education solutions for schools. 

The BlueTimbre team comes with decades of cumulative experience in running Structured Businesses, Music Curriculum Development, Music Education and Performance.

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